Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The End of the Rainbow

My 4 year old son Brandon and I were on our way to the Young at Art Museum this past weekend. The weather was drizzling rain and basically a nasty day for South Florida. We've enjoyed spotting rainbows in the past and I was particularly excited to point out a BIG rainbow forming in front of us. Brandon's excitement grew as the rainbow became wider and wider, growing more brilliant with each second of its' life.

I stopped the car to take a few pics with my iPhone. As we spoke about the rainbow, Brandon was excited and wanted to tell a loved one about his "find". We drove a little north, actually getting a better view of the rainbow. As we turned the curve, there it was, in an open field - THE END OF THE RAINBOW. I parked the car and snapped a few more pics. It was so bright, translucent and as bright as neon lights. The experience lasted about two minutes, I stood in the rain trying to comprehend what I had seen, talking to my son through the car window, magic was in the air.

First hand, I can tell you there is no POT "o" GOLD, but a golden memory that I shared with my son. The pic does no justice to the excitement, magic, and mystical feeling we experienced. We can only hope everyone gets to see the end of a rainbow in their lifetime.